Slate’s Law Blog

What Should I Do After a Drowsy Driving Accident?

Drowsy Driving - Personal Injury

Nobody anticipates getting hurt in a car crash, especially a collision caused by a drowsy driver. While many drowsy driving accidents do happen later at night when motorists are tried from a long day or a lengthy drive, it is important to know that drowsy or fatigued driving can occur at any time of the day. A drowsy driving accident can be very serious. Given that drowsy driving can be more difficult to detect than other forms of negligent driving such as intoxicated driving or aggressive driving, it is particularly critical to work with a New Mexico personal injury attorney on your case.

If you suspect you were injured in a crash caused by a fatigued driver, what should you do?

Gather Evidence at the Scene of the Fatigued Driving Accident

If you are able to do so, you should gather evidence at the scene of the drowsy driving crash. Taking photographs and obtaining contact information for potential witnesses can help with your case later on. Your lawyer may be able to use the evidence you gather to help prove that the at-fault driver was too fatigued to be behind the wheel of an automobile.

Understand the Signs of Drowsy Driving

Immediately after the collision, not only should you gather evidence from the scene of the accident, but you should also jot down any thoughts you have about the crash that could help your lawyer to determine whether the motorist who caused the collision was too fatigued to drive safely.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), a drowsy driving accident is deadlier than most people think. In 2017 alone, fatigued driving was responsible for nearly 800 fatalities that we know about, and it certainly may have been a cause of deadly injuries in other collisions. That figure does not even take into account the number of vehicle occupants and pedestrians who suffered serious but nonfatal injuries in crashes caused by fatigued drivers. Some indications that a driver may be too tired to drive include but are not limited to:

  • Drifting out of the lane;
  • Bring unable to maintain a constant speed;
  • Driving onto a rumble strip on the roadside; and/or
  • Frequently yawning or blinking.

Beyond these signs that you or other witnesses may have noticed prior to the collision, it is also possible that the at-fault driver was using a prescription medication that made him or her too tired to drive. Your lawyer can gather additional evidence to support your case.

Get Help as Soon as Possible from a Car Accident Lawyer in Santa Fe

You should begin working with a Santa Fe car accident lawyer on your case as soon as possible. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner your lawyer can begin gathering evidence in your case that otherwise could be lost, and the sooner you may be eligible to obtain financial compensation. Your lawyer can discuss options with you for filing an insurance claim or a lawsuit to seek damages.

Contact a New Mexico Personal Injury Attorney Were you injured in a collision caused by a fatigued driver? You may be eligible to file a claim for financial compensation. Do not wait to get in touch with one of our Santa Fe personal injury attorneys for help with your claim. Contact Slate Stern Law for more information.