Slate’s Law Blog

The Riskiest Times to Drive

Those statistics that tell you that a car accident happens once every X number of seconds make it sound like the collisions are equally spaced as if a collision occurs once every X number of seconds like clockwork. Accidents are more concentrated around the riskiest times of day for driving. The risk factors for more accidents include heavy traffic, more drivers in general, and more high-risk drivers, such as newly licensed teenagers or drivers under the influence of alcohol.

Therefore, certain times may be peak times for traffic collisions in some parts of the country compared to others. For example, the sun rises before 7:00 a.m. for most of the year in New Mexico, but in states that border Canada, the morning rush hour commute is riskier in the winter, not only because of the darkness but also because of the possibility of ice on the road. No matter what time of day the accident occurs, you have the right to seek compensation for your accident-related financial losses from the party or parties legally responsible for the accident. If you got injured in a car accident during afternoon rush hour or at one of the other peak times for collisions, contact a Santa Fe car accident lawyer.

Afternoon Rush Hour

In 12 states, the hour beginning at 5:00 p.m. has more traffic accidents than any hour of the day by a large margin. Nationwide, though, afternoon rush hour, defined as 3:00 to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, is the time when 911 operators get the most calls about people getting injured in car accidents. This is because the traffic is heaviest during the afternoon commute and also because the sun sets during this time. Glare from the sun can make it hard to see the other cars even if you wear sunglasses. Likewise, once the sun sets, people are driving in the dark when they are tired and hangry, which makes them easily distracted.

Saturday Nights

Drunk driving is dangerous no matter the circumstances, but more alcohol-related accidents occur on Saturday nights than at any other time. The hour after the bars and clubs close is the most dangerous, but some people manage to crash their cars while bar hopping and trying to catch another drinking establishment before it closes. There is less traffic on Saturday nights, so someone driving drunk on a Saturday night has more time to reach a dangerously high speed than someone who attempts to drive drunk in afternoon rush hour traffic, for example.  The sparse traffic and the darkness also leave open the possibility for wrong-way collisions, where a driver collides head-on with oncoming traffic. The at-fault driver in almost all wrong-way collisions is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Contact Slate Stern About Car Accident Lawsuits

Slate Stern is a personal injury lawyer who represents plaintiffs injured in car accidents. Contact Slate Stern in Santa Fe, New Mexico, or call (505)814-1517 to discuss your case.


Photo by Musa Haef on Unsplash