Slate’s Law Blog
Does Premises Liability Law Apply to Animal Attacks on Private Property?
If Florida and New Mexico had a contest to see where nature unleashed its fury in more frightening wins, New Mexico just might pull off an underdog victory. New Mexico has more lightning strikes per capita than any other state, including Florida. We do not have...
What Does New Mexico Do to Prevent Drunk Driving?
If you get injured in a car accident in New Mexico, you can collect damages from the at-fault driver or another party legally responsible for the accident. To do this, you must show that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused the accident. A court might find the...
The Most Important Parts of a Business Contract are Often Overlooked
When news websites report on business contracts, they tend to report on the most eye-catching and aspirational parts. How much money is changing hands? When does the project begin and how awesome will it be? What other business deals have the parties...
Force Majeure Provisions and New Mexico Business Contracts
The heat this summer was brutal, and next summer probably is not going to be any cooler. Do not try cooling off by going for a swim in one of New Mexico’s beautiful lakes because you might get a brain-eating amoeba. Even when your favorite fruits and vegetables do not...
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Some intensely painful injuries do not look very impressive; they do not leave any visible external marks such as bruises or cuts, and they may not even yield any abnormal findings on diagnostic images such as X-rays or ultrasounds. For example, a whiplash injury is a...
The Daubert-Alberico Test and Expert Witness Testimony
The residents of New Mexico, of all people, are acutely aware that some people hold some far-fetched ideas about science. If you happen to stop at a gas station near a major highway exit in Santa Fe, you will find cars with license plates from Colorado, Utah, and...
New Mexico Pedestrian Accident Statistics
The laws of physics may not apply in cartoons, but the Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons give you an idea of how fast the traffic moves on New Mexico’s highways and on how few sidewalks there are in New Mexico. Meanwhile, no one ever decided to stay indoors in...
Filing a Medical Malpractice Case in New Mexico
Most of the time, you do not notice the parts of your body that do not hurt and are not malfunctioning. You often hear from people with chronic or severe illnesses that they had never thought about much of what their bodies do on an ongoing basis until the symptoms...
Dram Shop Liability Laws in New Mexico
Here in New Mexico, you are probably used to using different systems of measurement in different contexts. You probably know your weight in pounds but not in kilograms and the temperature of this year’s summer heat in triple-digit degrees Fahrenheit but not in degrees...
Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Business Disputes
After a few drinks, long-married couples might tell you that a successful marriage is a lot like a successful business partnership. Drunk or sober, and for better or for worse, it stands to reason that an unsuccessful business partnership is a lot like an unsuccessful...