Slate’s Law Blog

Are All Seatbelts Equally Safe?

Are All Seatbelts Equally Safe?

Your parents are not the only ones who think that seatbelts make a big difference in whether a traffic collision leads to catastrophe. The data agree with them, and so do insurance claims adjusters. Motor vehicle occupants who were not wearing seatbelts at the time of...

Garbage Truck Accidents

Garbage Truck Accidents

Everybody knows someone who is full of tall tales. If you happen to meet such a person at a neighborhood block party or a professional networking event, he will tell you that it all started when he got hit by a garbage truck, and the insurance settlement money enabled...

Trampoline Accidents

Trampoline Accidents

Adults look at a trampoline and see accidents and injuries waiting to happen. Meanwhile, when children see a trampoline, all they can think about is how much fun it would be to jump on it and feel temporarily weightless. A trampoline in a neighbor’s backyard can...