Slate’s Law Blog
Injured Customer Receives $31 Million Premises Liability Damages Award From Restaurant
In almost every family, there is at least one person who refuses to eat in restaurants under any circumstances, and that person’s reasons are usually a manifestation of his or her general nature as a control freak. For example, the person might be the sort who reads...
Family Gets Medical Malpractice Settlement After Hospital Staff Made Child’s Ski Injury Worse
A traumatic injury such as a broken bone can cause problems for many years after the fact, even if the original injury at first seemed to heal properly. This is why you have probably heard your grandparents complain about pain in body parts that they injured long...
Court Awards $412 Million to Plaintiff in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Against Shady Male Enhancement Clinic
The courts calculate damages in medical malpractice lawsuits based on the plaintiff’s past and future medical expenses and past and future lost income, and sometimes noneconomic damages for the non-financial hardships the plaintiff has suffered and will continue to...
Paddleboarding Accidents
Standup paddleboarding is like surfing, except that you use a paddle to stay upright, making the sport more like rowing a raft. Archaeological evidence suggests that ancient cultures around the world, from China to South America to the Middle East, engaged in...
Drugged Driver Crashes Into Albuquerque House
A car crashing through the wall of a house should be a never event. It happens sometimes in movies for a shocking comic or dramatic effect; the audience is surprised because it seems so impossible, and besides, what you are seeing on your screen is not a real house or...
Whiplash Injury
You know our health system is messed up when you envy people with broken bones or open wounds because at least no one questions them about whether they are truly injured and whether they truly need treatment. Unless you are hemorrhaging or one of your limbs is at a...
Lawsuit Causes City to Rebuild Dangerous Intersection
Most car accident lawsuits and insurance claims name the at-fault driver as a defendant because the main cause of most accidents is negligence on the part of one of the drivers involved. Some examples of this negligence include excessive speed, distracted driving, and...
Do Premises Liability Laws Apply to Avalanches at Ski Resorts?
In general, premises liability laws apply when a paying customer gets injured in an accident arising from unsafe conditions at a place of business. Many premises liability lawsuits involve venues where people participate in recreational activities, such as amusement...
Those Chicken Strips Could Get You a Lot of Money on Your Motorcycle Accident Claim
Choosing the best chicken strips in New Mexico is no simple feat. Some people love the thickly battered chicken strips at Chili’s, which are crispy on the outside and spongy on the inside and which pair perfectly with honey mustard. Others prefer the breadcrumb-coated...
How Bad is it When One Person Runs One Red Light?
Children who are barely old enough to combine words to form sentences know that a red light means stop and a green light means go. Failure to stop at a red light is one of the most dangerous things a person can do when driving. Trying to get through a yellow light...