by Slate Stern | Nov 26, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, Slate's Law Blog
The only thing more beautiful than riding a motorcycle in New Mexico and taking in the scenic mountain views is riding a motorcycle in New Mexico on a starlit night when there is nothing to do except enjoy the cool air and the quiet. At certain times of the year, you...
by Slate Stern | Nov 19, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Slate's Law Blog
The news headlines about catastrophic accidents are sufficient to remind you to avoid the most dangerous driving behaviors, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or taking selfies behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. Even though you are too cautious to...
by Slate Stern | Nov 5, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Personal Injury, Slate's Law Blog
The purveyors of clickbait are skilled in remixing reports about the most horrific car accidents. The tales of wrong-way crashes at speeds above 100 miles per hour are enough to make anyone cagey about motor vehicles, but these are less common than the news...
by Slate Stern | Oct 29, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Slate's Law Blog
Dealing with insurance companies is a frustrating lesson in reading the fine print. You buy car insurance because state law requires it, and you think that the insurance will cover you if you get injured in a car accident. t turns out that the insurance will pay...
by Slate Stern | Oct 15, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Slate's Law Blog
Those statistics that tell you that a car accident happens once every X number of seconds make it sound like the collisions are equally spaced as if a collision occurs once every X number of seconds like clockwork. Accidents are more concentrated around the riskiest...
by Slate Stern | Oct 1, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents, Slate's Law Blog
Just after midnight one night this past spring, a white Infinity G37 skidded out of control on Unser Boulevard in Albuquerque. As it approached the Western Trail NW intersection, it veered out of the right lane, across the shoulder, and off the road. After...